PhD Students

Here you will find a list of PhD students who are members of the Italian Fluid Mechanics Network, with an overview of their research activities.

Sea state prediction in coastal and port areas through Artificial Neural Network
Università di Catania
Artificial Neural Networks
wave climate
maritime accidents
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Luca Cavallaro
Elisa Castro
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks
Research abstract
Knowing local weather and sea conditions well in advance is undoubtedly helpful in mitigating the ri...
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based Real Time Water Level Monitoring and Blockage Detection in Combined Sewer Overflow Networks (CSO) in Palermo Province.
Università di Catania
combined sewer
Artificial Neural Networks
Main research approaches
Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Rosaria Ester Musumeci, Roberto Gueli
Natnael Hailu Mamo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks
Research abstract
Combined Sewer Systems (CSS) are one of the common types of urban sewer drainage systems across many...
Innovative Methodologies for the Evaluation of Hydrogeological and Hydraulic Compatibility of RES Plants
Università di Catania
flood propagation
stormwater management
soil erosion
Main research approaches
Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Rosaria Ester Musumeci, Marco Laudani
Giuseppe Pio Costa
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks
Research abstract
Photovoltaic farms in peri-urban and rural areas are spreading all around the world. The presence of...
An interactive multiobjective dam management optimization methodology for flood risk protection
Università di Catania
hydraulic risk
water resources
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Rosaria Ester Musumeci
Federico Castiglione
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks
Research abstract
Dam management optimization is a fundamental way to improve the efficiency of artificial reservoirs,...
Generation and propagation of anthropogenic noise in the marine environment
Università di Trieste
underwater noise
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Vincenzo Armenio, Peter Klin
Ines Addeo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Doctoral school in Earth science, Fluid-Dynamics and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods
Research abstract
Human activities have been causing a severe deterioration of the Earth's ecosystem. In recent years,...
Effect of vegetation on microplastic retention and current dynamics in transitional river environments for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems
Università Roma Tre
plastic pollution
gravity currents
laboratory experiments
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Claudia Adduce
Giovanni Di Lollo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Doctoral school in Civil Engineering
Research abstract
Every day, plastic wastes of different sizes and compositions are poured into rivers from industrial...
Modeling Transients Response in Complex Pressurized Networks
Università di Perugia
water hammer
pressure transients
water distribution network
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Silvia Meniconi, Caterina Capponi
Debora Falocci
PhD Cycle
PHD school
International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Water systems’ pipelines are daily stressed by transients induced by the water hammer effect and th...
Miami High Tide Floods and morphological changes in the Biscane Bay
Università di Genova
semi-enclosed basin morpho-fluidynamics
high tide floods
coastal resilience
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Nicoletta Tambroni, Francesco De Leo
Enrico Moresco
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Marine Sciences and Technologies
Research abstract
I have a background in physics (bachelor) and Physics of the Earth System (master), with a special f...
A numerical study on the effect of roughness density and distribution towards new roughness parametrization
Università di Enna Kore
numerical simulations
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Mauro De Marchis, Stefano Leonardi
Federica Bruno
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Innovative Technologies for Engineering and the Built Environment
Research abstract
Turbulent flows over uneven surfaces are widespread in engineering contexts, ranging from designing ...
Development of multisensor and multiscalar monitoring systems for digital spatial data transition
Università di Catania
coastal morphodynamics
remote sensing
machine learning
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Field-based and/or remote sensing
List of Supervisors
Rosaria Ester Musumeci, Gaetano Ortolano
Gianfranco Di Pietro
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks
Research abstract
Earth Obserbation and remote-sensing technologies have contributed significantly to spatial data ana...
Flow hydrodynamics and role of biotic communities in rivers
Università di Palermo
biotic communities
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Field-based and/or remote sensing
List of Supervisors
Donatella Termini
Nina Benistati
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic and Materials Engineering
Research abstract
In contemporary times, it is of utmost significance to identify the impact of climate change on aqua...
Development of an innovative device for energy recovery in irrigation systems
Politecnico di Milano
turbine design
irrigation management
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Stefano Malavasi
Davide Troiani
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil and Environmental engineering
Research abstract
The demand for water in irrigation is expected to rise in the near future, and this increase will be...
Evaluation of the influence of large wood transport on Flood Risk scenarios
Università di Pavia
flood risk
large wood
discrete element model
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Stefano Sibilla, Gabriella Petaccia, Elisabetta Persi
Ennouini Wafae
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Design, Modeling and Simulation in engineering
Research abstract
The presence of floating material is, on the contrary, normally disregarded, although it has been pr...
Microplastics mobilisation in open-channel flows
Università di Bologna, Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
laboratory experiments
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Paweł M Rowiński, Magdalena Mrokowska, Massimo Guerrero
Arianna Varrani
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Research abstract
Microplastics are becoming a part of the fluvial and marine sedimentary processes. Knowledge on the ...
Numerical simulation of sediment transport by thermohaline bottom currents
Università di Trieste
large eddy simulation
contour currents
turbidity currents
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Michele Rebesco, Federico Roman, Stefano Salon, Federico Falcini
Antonio Ammendola
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Earth Science, Fluid-Dynamics, and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods
Research abstract
We speculated about how the case study presented by Miramontes et al. 2020 could be represented nume...
Dam-Break waves of newtonian and Non-newtonian Fluid
Università di Napoli Federico II
free-surface flows
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Andrea Vacca, Francesco De Paola
Andrea Del Gaudio
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil Engineering
Research abstract
Dam break waves cause huge damages, human fatalities, high economic losses, and ecological and envir...
Criteria and Methodologies for a Sustainable Management of river Sediment.
Università di Firenze, Technische Universität Braunschweig
river morphodynamics
sediment management
numerical modelling
Main research approaches
Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Luca Solari, Simona Francalanci, Jochen Aberle
Ayalew Shura Kasa
PhD Cycle
PHD school
International PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Rivers are critical ecosystems that provide a wide range of ecological, social, and economic benefit...
Morphodynamics of multi-thread rivers, theory and remote sensing analysis.
Università di Trento
river morphodynamics
river bifurcations
remote sensing
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Field-based and/or remote sensing
List of Supervisors
Marco Tubino, Marco Redolfi
Pascal Pirlot
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Research abstract
The mathematical model introduced by Bolla Pittaluga et al. in 2003 (BRT-model) allows finding equil...
Evaluation on the multi-scale effects on the hemodynamic of patients, which underwent to extracorporeal circulation
Università di Padova
cardio-vascular fluid mechanics
lumped parameter model
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Francesca Maria Susin, Paolo Peruzzo
Caterina Cara
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Science of civil, environmental and architectural engeneering
Research abstract
Veno-arterial extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) is a life-support treatment for patient...
Advances in hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modelling
Università di Padova
river morphodynamics
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Daniele Pietro Viero, Andrea Defina
Tommaso Lazzarin
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Sciences of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Research abstract
My research focuses on the advanced modelling of complex phenomena of river hydraulics, such as the ...
Optimisation of irrigation processes in the Brescia and Cremona provinces in the light of future climate change scenarios and the sustainable management of the territory and ecosystem of the mid plain
Università di Brescia
hydraulic modelling
irrigation channel network
open-channel flow
Main research approaches
Numerical modelling
List of Supervisors
Marco Pilotti, Giulia Valerio
Gabriele Farina
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil and Environmental Engineering, International cooperation and Mathematics
Research abstract
At the global level, nearly 70% of freshwater withdrawals is used for irrigation purposes. Additiona...
Experimental investigation of flow and trasport phenomena in heterogeneous porous media
Università di Catania
hydraulic conductivity
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Samuele De Bartolo, Aldo Fiori
Davide Gatto
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Defense Against Risks And Ecological Transition of Built Enviroment
Research abstract
Seawater intrusion resulting from pumping in coastal aquifers has been extensively studied to assess...
Development of models and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of hydraulic risk mitigation structures
Università di Cagliari
flood mitigation
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Maria Grazia Badas
Stefano Annis
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Research abstract
Flood hazard is one of the most critical natural hazards at global and national scale. According to ...
Propagation of gravity currents in heterogeneous porous and fractured media
Università di Bologna
gravity currents
similarity solutions
stochastic hydrogeology
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Vittorio Di Federico
Sepideh Majdabadi Farahani
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering
Research abstract
Gravity current (GC) is a physical phenomenon appearing in different environmental and industrial di...
Computational fluid dynamics as a tool for environmental impact assessment of wastewater diffusion in surface water bodies
Università di Bari
Lattice-Boltzmann methods
buoyant jets
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Daniela Malcangio, Piergiorgio Fusco, Sabina Tangaro
Maria Grazia Giordano
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Doctoral school in Sustainable Land Management
Research abstract
To minimize the environmental impact of outfall systems, through which wastewater is discharged in r...
Linkages between flow, morphodynamics and vegetation
Università di Firenze
river bedforms
sediment transport
leafy flexible vegetation
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Luca Solari, Simona Francalanci, Jochen Aberle
Giada Artini
PhD Cycle
PHD school
International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Riparian areas are typically characterized by mobile beds and are colonized by shrubs, brushes and w...
Hydroacoustic study of pumps
Università di Napoli Federico II
mathematical modeling
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Armando Carravetta, Oreste Fecarotta
Renato Montillo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil Systems Engineering
Research abstract
During my master's degree in environmental engineering, my interest in mathematical modeling of phys...
River ecosystem dynamics: multi-stability, periodic oscillations, and chaos
Università di Trento
river ecosystem
bi-stability and multi-stability
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Annunziato Siviglia, Walter Bertoldi
Ilaria Cunico
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Research abstract
River ecosystem dynamics are governed by non-linear complex feedback loops among vegetation, flow, a...
The Finite Volume Method applied to the 2D Shallow Water Equations to model impulsive events in mountain areas
Università di Brescia
debris flow
slope stability
shallow-water equations
Main research approaches
Numerical modeling and simulation
List of Supervisors
Marco Pilotti
Riccardo Bonomelli
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil and Environmental Engineering, International cooperation and Mathematics
Research abstract
In steep mountain areas, rapid mass movements such as avalanches and debris flows are surface proces...
Development of an innovative Lattice Boltzmann hydraulic model for shallow water flows
Università Niccolò Cusano
Lattice-Boltzmann methods
multi-layer shallow water flow
large-scale urban floods
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Silvia Di Francesco, Sara Venturi
Jessica Padrone
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Industrial and Civil Engineering
Research abstract
The research activity deals with the development and of an innovative Lattice Boltzmann hydraulic mo...
Response of meandering river dynamics to climate and anthropogenic stressors
Università di Trento
meandering rivers
semi-analytical modelling
river morphodynamics
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Guido Zolezzi, Marco Tubino
Riccardo Bonanomi
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Agrifood and Environmental Sciences
Research abstract
Meandering rivers are single channel rivers that are usually found in the latter parts of river basi...
Acoustic characterization of wind turbines
Università di Trieste
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Vincenzo Armenio
Giacomo Rismondo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Earth science and fluid mechanics
Research abstract
In the coming decades, wind energy will become increasingly popular, with an anticipated increase in...
A simplified experimental method to estimate the transport of non-buoyant plastic particles due to waves by 2D image processing
Università di Messina
plastics dynamics
cross-shore transport
blob analysis
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Claudio Iuppa, Carla Faraci
Giovanni Passalacqua
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Safety Engineering
Research abstract
Plastic is one of the most widely used materials. It is expected by 2050 that there will be about 12...
Experimental and Numerical Investigations in Sport-related Sudden Cardiac Death
Università Politecnica delle Marche
sudden cardiac death
coronary perfusion
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Maurizio Brocchini, Gianluca Zitti
Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
The main medical cause of death in athletes is sudden cardiac death (SCD) (Harmon et al. 2014). SCD ...
Characterization of large-scale pattern of emerging contaminant
Politecnico di Milano
groundwater modelling
emerging contaminats transport
machine learning
Main research approaches
Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Alberto Guadagnini, Monica Riva, Giovanni Michele Porta
Andrea Manzoni
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
Research abstract
In Italy, a significant portion of the population relies on underground sources for their drinking w...
Water management of hypereutrophic shallow lakes
Università di Trento
shallow lakes
aquatic vegetation
water management
Main research approaches
Field-based and/or remote sensing, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Marco Tubino, Luca Adami
Matteo De Vincenzi
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Research abstract
Shallow lakes are dynamic ecosystems where water circulation is governed by the balance between wind...
One-dimensional numerical modeling of the cardiovascular system for clinical applications
Università di Trento
cardiovascular fluid mechanics
orthostatic stress
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Annunziato Siviglia, Lucas Omar Müller
Chiara Colombo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Research abstract
One-dimensional (1D) cardiovascular models have become increasingly important as a means of accurate...
Mathematical model of macular edema
Università di Genova
macular edema
mathematical model
fluid mechanics of the eye
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Laboratory-scaled physical models
List of Supervisors
Rodolfo Repetto
Alessia Ruffini
PhD Cycle
PHD school
PhD program in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinal detachment are among the leading causes of blindn...
Mathematical modelling of blood flow in the eye
Università di Genova
retinal blood flow
mathematical model
retinal vein pulsation
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Rodolfo Repetto
Alessia Casalucci
PhD Cycle
PHD school
PhD program in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Curriculum in Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
The retina is one of the most metabolically active tissues in the body. A well-organized ocular vasc...
Drag reduction and interface stability of a ferrofluid film in turbulent channel flow
Università di Genova
linear stability
laboratory experiments
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical,Laboratory-scaled physical models,Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Marco Mazzuoli
Usama Muhammad Zahid
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Let us consider a plane channel flow where the walls are coated by a film of ferrofluid, namely a vi...
Marine environmental data management and postprocessing via ICT tools
Università di Genova
oil spills
monitoring servicies
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical
List of Supervisors
Giovanni Besio, Antonio Novellino
Beatrice Maddalena Scotto
PhD Cycle
PHD school
PhD program in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Curriculum in Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Particle trajectories are generally calculated using current fields that commonly come from Ocean G...
Climate change impacts and risks of extreme coastal water level events in the Mediterranean Sea
Università di Genova
storm surge
climate change
future projections
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Giovanni Besio, Andrea Lira Loarca
Filippo Giaroli
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Security, risk and vulnerability
Research abstract
Coastal regions around the world are increasingly threatened by natural phenomena that manifest them...
Lagrangian particle-based simulation of waves and offshore structure interaction
Università di Pavia
multiphase CFD
offshore engineering
fluid-structure interaction
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Sauro Manenti
Nicolò Salis
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Design, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
Research abstract
Modelling free surface flows with Eulerian approaches introduces some challenging aspects to be hand...
Characterization of transport mechanisms in the Gulf of Genova
Università di Genova
hydrodynamic model
lagrangian disperison
mixing properties
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Giovanni Besio
Mattia Scovenna
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Engineering for Marine and Coastal Environments
Research abstract
For planning the protection of the marine environment it is crucial to understand how water moves an...
Modelling from single river bifurcations to complex deltas and comparison with field observations
Università di Genova
estuarine morphodynamics
bifurcation stability
numerical simulations
Main research approaches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Michele Bolla Pittaluga, Nicoletta Tambroni
Lorenzo Durante
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Scienze e Tecnologie del Mare - Engineering for Marine and Coastal Environments
Research abstract
River bifurcations are a ubiquitous characteristic of both gravel-bed and sand-bed fluvial systems, ...
Accelerating environmental hydrodynamic simulations via Physics-Informed Machine Learning
Università Roma Tre
machine learning
environmental fluid dynamics
flood simulation
Main research approaches
Numerical analysis
List of Supervisors
Pietro Prestininzi, Andrea Montessori
Gianmarco Guglielmo
PhD Cycle
PHD school
Ingegneria Civile
Research abstract
Despite the significant progress achieved in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), applying CFD to lar...
A Microplastic Budget Methodology to model plastic pathways, degradation and storage in rivers, coastal areas and open seas
Università di Firenze
microplastic transport
laboratory experiments
detection and sampling methods
Main research approaches
Laboratory-scaled physical models, Field-based and/or remote sensing
List of Supervisors
Luca Solari, Riccardo Gori, Teresa Serra
Mirco Mancini
PhD Cycle
PHD school
International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research abstract
Microplastics (MPs) have been defined as plastic particles in a size range from 1 μm to 5 mm and sev...